Internat seminar with Tsutomu Kamohara sensei
A delegation from the Italian Shukokai visited 18 to 27 March 2016 , Japan, in the city of Amagasaki, to attend the World Congress of the World Shukokai Union and at the World Cup 2016.
Intense training sessions were held with the masters Haruyoshi Yamada and Tsutomu Kamohara.
Very interesting and technical growth were also meetings with other foreign delegations, with whom you have shared traditional training methods of Shito-ryu Shukokai.
An important experience for the Shukokai Italy in order to be updated and prepared to common methods of karate training to all members Shukokai worldwide.
Of particular prestige was the participation as Italian judge Gianluca Parravani , the only westerner to be part of arbitration of adjudication committee Gishinkan CUP 2016, made up exclusively of Japanese members.
26-27 November 2022 - International Seminar Shukokai Italy with Tsutomu Kamohara
May 21, 2018 - New President is Tsutomu KAMOHARA
January 7, 2018 - great sadness.... soke Yamada Haruyoshi sensei is died.
March 27, 2016 - Team Italy at Gishinkan Cup 2016 (Amagsaki)
March 24 - 25, 2016 - Training at Ashiya University with Masters Haruyoshi Yamada and Tsutomu Kamohara
March 19 March, 2016 - Shukokai Italy in Japan - Amagasaki (Honbu Dojo)